Corcoran Swaged Coupling Stands Under Great Pressure - Fire Engineering: Firefighter Training and Fire Service News, Rescue

2022-08-13 06:41:53 By :

Corcoran Swaged Coupling Stands Under Great Pressure

The Corcoran Swaged Coupling, a patented lead pipe coupling controlled and manufactured by The Central Brass Mfg. Company, Cleveland, Ohio, is capable of such remarkable performance that water works’ officials should not hesitate to give serious consideration to it. At every water works convention held during the past two years this coupling has been subjected to unquestionably severe tests. For instance, a goose-neck fitted with the Corcoran was pumped to a pressure of 750 pounds. And under this enormous strain, it held a 1,200-pound weight of lead for two hours. Then the pipe broke, but the coupling remained intact—just as tight and perfect as it was before the test. If can readily he seen what this means to underground strain. When the ground above the pipe settles, the joint will not be affected; the Corcoran Coupling will grip the goose-neck so firmly that the lead pipe will stretch under the strain, and no leaking of any kind occur. The manufacturers also state that one of the advantages of the Corcoran Coupling is that in spite of its gripping powers, it can be disconnected and connected again in a few minutes. In another of these tests a goose-neck was pumped to a pressure of 1,450 pounds. The gooseneck broke at that point, leaving the Corcoran Coupling intact. These tests are many times more severe than the conditions to which the Coupling would be subjected in actual use. It really doesn’t seem as if more convincing evidence is needed of the high qualifications of the Corcoran Swaged Coupling. Their adoption means conservation of time and energy, and in the long run money.

The Corcoran Swaged Coupling, a patented lead pipe coupling controlled and manufactured by The Central Brass Mfg. Company, Cleveland, Ohio, is capable of such remarkable performance that water works’ officials should not hesitate to give serious consideration to it. At every water works convention held during the past two years this coupling has been subjected to unquestionably severe tests. For instance, a goose-neck fitted with the Corcoran was pumped to a pressure of 750 pounds. And under this enormous strain, it held a 1,200-pound weight of lead for two hours. Then the pipe broke, but the coupling remained intact—just as tight and perfect as it was before the test. If can readily he seen what this means to underground strain. When the ground above the pipe settles, the joint will not be affected; the Corcoran Coupling will grip the goose-neck so firmly that the lead pipe will stretch under the strain, and no leaking of any kind occur. The manufacturers also state that one of the advantages of the Corcoran Coupling is that in spite of its gripping powers, it can be disconnected and connected again in a few minutes. In another of these tests a goose-neck was pumped to a pressure of 1,450 pounds. The gooseneck broke at that point, leaving the Corcoran Coupling intact. These tests are many times more severe than the conditions to which the Coupling would be subjected in actual use. It really doesn’t seem as if more convincing evidence is needed of the high qualifications of the Corcoran Swaged Coupling. Their adoption means conservation of time and energy, and in the long run money.

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