News and opinion about wildland fire
It has burned tens of thousands of acres near the community of Foresthill
Firefighters have been working hard to save structures in the Foresthill area as the Mosquito Fire grows larger. Early unofficial reports say they were successful.
Most of the movement is to the east and southeast, but it has also been spreading west into the community of Foresthill and has moved into El Dorado County. It was mapped at about 11 a.m. Friday at 29,585 acres. Friday morning the area is thick with heavy smoke, preventing tactical aircraft from flying.
Cameras were able to provide images of the fire into Thursday night until smoke obscured the view.
Fire officials are aware of damage to structures in the Michigan Bluff area, and possibly other locations, and will survey the effects when it can be done safely.
The status of evacuations has changed. Placer County has a map showing evacuation orders and warnings. El Dorado County also has a map.
The blaze exhibited extreme fire behavior Thursday, forming huge rotating convection columns.
15 minute timelapse to 7:55pm with column rotation on #MosquitoFire 9/8/2022 #CAwx @FireWeatherLab @nplareau #firewx
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After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire. View all posts by Bill Gabbert
Deja Vu. It took 2 weeks for the Caldor fire to run from Grizzly Flats to South Lake Tahoe; West Shore near Homewood watch out! To the 1700 Firefighters on this Mosquito Flats wildfire. Stay Safe.
Thanks again Bill for your work on this site.
military should be brought in sooner the usa should have a national fire fighting teem. Ca. fire fighters are totaly out guned and need to have bigger equipment. A shovel is not going to do it. There was a video of a large brust of fire 7 fire fighters standing next to truck with tools ready to jump on to get out. 8 men with fire hoses would be able to fight back. I think I lost my home Michiganbluff.
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