Hudson's Hope Police Report - July 2022 - Dawson Creek Mirror

2022-08-08 08:36:06 By : Mr. TONY LIU

Hudson’s Hope RCMP responded to 43 calls for service between June 17 to July 18, 2022. 38 written violations and warning tickets were issued to drivers between the above dates for various motor vehicle related offences. Highway and road safety continues to be a focus for the Hudson’s Hope RCMP, along with the recent spike in property crime.

Please make note of the numerous construction sites along Hwy 29, between Hudson’s Hope and Fort St. John. Due to the increase of work sites along the highway, there is a large fluctuation between the speed zones for each site. Police will be monitoring these areas as they are a posted construction zone and fines will range from $196 to $253 for speeding violations within a marked construction zone.

Also, we would like to remind drivers to please be patient when it comes to the traffic halts and one-way traffic flows along Hwy 29. We are aware that these can be frustrating at times but please do not take your frustrations out on the flaggers and workers…tantrums do not work!

Speaking of tantrums, if anyone observed a dark coloured VW type car at the Farrell Creek construction site on July 17, in which the driver exited their vehicle and began to throw traffic cones around and yell at the flagger, and happen to have a plate number or dash cam/video footage, please let us know!

On June 22, the Hudson’s Hope RCMP received a report of an Interac E-transfer fraud in which an individual responded to a Facebook page for some livestock for sale. Based on the mutual agreement, monies were transferred to the seller via E-transfer but upon trying to arrange pick-up of the payed for livestock, the seller no longer responded and evaded the buyer. Upon investigation, it was found that this seller had several other similar fraudulent posts for livestock for sale on other social media pages. This file remains open for further investigation.

On June 26, the Hudson’s Hope RCMP received a report of a break and enter that had occurred at a work site along Farrell Creek Rd. It was reported that someone(s) had pried the door open of a storage building and stole approximately 2000L of fuel, 30 pairs of protective glasses, 3 Kenwood handheld VHF radios, assorted tools including a Stihl culvert saw, and spill gear.

On June 26, the Hudson’s Hope RCMP received a report for a suspicious person wearing a hooded black sweater who was observed trespassing at a work site and whom was believed to be scoping out a beached pontoon boat located at this work site. Police attended the area but found that the suspect had vacated the area prior to police arrival.

On July 2, the Hudson’s Hope RCMP received a report of gun shots coming from the area at the end of Drew Rd. It was reported that approximately 25+ guns shots had been heard over a short period of time and that these shots were frightening the cattle and livestock nearby. It was advised that this has been an on-going problematic issue for the nearby residents. File remains open for continual investigation and monitoring.

On July 7, the Hudson’s Hope RCMP received a report of a theft of approximately 5 000 litres of fuel from the Lynx Creek construction site. It was reported that sometime during the night, someone(s) trespassed into the work site and helped themselves to the fuel which was being held in two large fuel tanks. File remains open for investigation.

On July 12, the Hudson’s Hope RCMP received a report of a theft of a skidsteer and a break and enter/theft from a storage container located at a work site along the Peace Canyon Rd. Upon attending the site, police were able to follow fresh tracks through the bush and located the stolen skidsteer which had been stashed in the bush. Items stolen from the storage container included a Stihl chainsaw, Stihl cut-off saw, and a Dewalt shop-vac. File remains open for further investigation.

On July 14, the Hudson’s Hope RCMP received a report of a break and enter to the Dawson Road Maintenance yard in which someone(s) attempted but were unsuccessful in stealing a Ford F350 truck. File remains open for further investigation.

On July 16, the Hudson’s Hope RCMP received a report of a break and enter/theft from the District of Hudson’s Hope works yard. It was reported that someone(s) had cut the lock off the gate and stole several jerry cans, a tidy tank, several litres of fuel, and a 2010 Chevrolet Silverado truck. Upon investigation of the site, it was also found that a fire department trailer had also been broken into and several more jerry cans and a water pump had been stolen. These being items that assist and aid the local fire department in responding to and dealing with fires in our local area.

On July 18, the Hudson’s Hope RCMP received a report of a break and enter/theft from a property in the 19000 block of Hwy 29. It was reported that sometime within the past week, someone(s) had stolen the actual locked gate to the property, allowing them access to the property where several tools including an oxygen/acetylene torch set were stolen.

As you may have noticed from the above read, property crime has spiked yet again in our local community. These are all incidents that effect everyone who resides in our local area and can impact property owners both financially and mentally in a very negative manner. The RCMP wants to advise the public of the above events and advises to conduct checks throughout your properties occasionally to check for security of your property and possessions and also to make sure gates, doors, vehicles, etc are locked when not in use. Also, the use of cameras and or trail cams can be a big asset when it comes to incidents like this, for both the property owner and for the police.

If anyone observes any suspicious persons or vehicles in the area, please contact the local RCMP immediately. We do not recommend attempting to approach or deal with persons observed trespassing on your own, however, if one can obtain a person’s description or a vehicle make/model and licence plate, these are all important pieces of evidence that can assist in identifying and arresting those responsible.

Anyone with information regarding current or past investigations can contact the Hudson’s Hope RCMP directly at 250-783-5241 or anonymously through Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. Visit for advice on submitting tips online and to browse the areas “Most Wanted” page.