TOWN OF CAMPBELL – Wisconsin is seeking reimbursement of the nearly $1 billion spent addressing "forever chemicals" across communities, including the remediation of water and soil and the reimbursement of money spent on providing bottled water and filters.
Gov. Tony Evers and Attorney General Josh Kaul announced a lawsuit against a host of companies they said knew about the harmful impacts of PFAS but did not inform the public.
"Republicans and elected leaders in this state have long known about the problems facing water quality in communities in every corner of the state, including many of their own, and have sided with polluters by doing next to nothing — by allowing polluters to soil, spoil our state's natural resources and avoid basic safety standards and responsibility and accountability for their actions," Evers said.
Evers, a first-term Democrat who faces a tough reelection fight in the fall, also singled out the Natural Resources Board, which sets policy for the Department of Natural Resources and refused to pass standards for PFAS in groundwater, on which nearly 1 million Wisconsin households rely on for their drinking water.
"Relying on the Culligan man for clean drinking water is not the solution. It's a Band-Aid at best," he said. "And we must do more to protect the people of our state, period."
More:Wisconsin voters care about clean water. Why aren't lawmakers paying closer attention?
Among the 18 companies named in the lawsuit is Tyco Fire Products, located in Marinette. The state's worst PFAS contamination has stemmed from that facility, where the company tested fire fighting foam containing PFAS outdoors from 1962 until ending the practice in 2017. The foam ended up on the soil surrounding the company's fire training center, as well as in the Marinette sewer system when the foam was washed into drains.
In March, the Department of Justice also filed a lawsuit against Tyco, formerly known as Ansul Company.
Also included in the lawsuit are 3M, DuPont, Chemours, Buckeye Fire Equipment, Kidde-Fenwal, Chemguard, Chemdesign Products and a number of other companies across the country.
The complaint alleges that the companies listed knew about the potential harm that PFAS could cause, and even took precautions to protect their employees but not the public at large.
"Every person in Wisconsin should have access to safe and clean drinking water. And when you think about it clean water is fundamental to life in Wisconsin. It's fundamental to our economy," Kaul said. "It's fundamental to the way we live our lives with so many people using clean water for fishing for other kinds of recreation. And it's fundamental to our health that we are drinking water that is safe, and that does not cause serious harms to people's health."
Scott Manley, executive vice president of government relations for Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, the state's biggest business lobby, slammed the lawsuit's targeting of manufacturers.
Taxpayers "deserve to know where this abusive nonsense will end," Manley said.
“The business community has consistently supported regulatory oversight of PFAS substances that are based on sound science, and that balance the impacts on both the environment and economy," he said in an emailed statement. "It sends a chilling message to manufacturers and their middle-class workers that Gov. Evers and Attorney General Kaul are suing businesses simply for making a lawful product."
Wisconsin is not the first entity to file a lawsuit against PFAS manufacturers. Dane County and La Crosse have both already filed suits against a similar list of companies, as have a number of governments across the country. Many of those lawsuits nationwide will be heard by a judge in the U.S. District Court of South Carolina, where cases are being consolidated.
Kaul said there is a chance Wisconsin's lawsuit could be sent there, but for the time being, it will remain in Dane County Circuit Court.
Evers and Kaul made the announcement on French Island — a community outside of La Crosse where PFAS contamination stemming from the La Crosse Regional Airport has polluted private wells in the area.
French Island is across the Black River from the city and is home to about 4,300 residents. with 1,200 private wells on the island.
The airport inhabits a portion of the northern part of the island, with residents of the Town of Campbell living within yards in many places. The contamination has spread throughout the small island and has been found both north and south of where Interstate 90 crosses it.
The PFAS being found in drinking water across the island are likely the result of the use of PFAS-containing firefighting foam at the airport for decades. PFAS were first detected on the island in 2014 in La Crosse municipal wells, and testing of private wells began late last year.
About 2,000 residents on French Island are currently receiving bottled water either from the City of La Crosse or through the state and have been since early 2021.
More:Here's what you should know about PFAS, the 'forever contaminant' being identified in more locations across Wisconsin
PFAS — or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances — are a family of man-made chemicals used for their water- and stain-resistant qualities in products like clothing and carpet, nonstick cookware, packaging and firefighting foam. The family includes 5,000 compounds, which are persistent, remaining both in the environment and the human body over time.
The chemicals have been linked to types of kidney and testicular cancers, lower birth weights, harm to immune and reproductive systems, altered hormone regulation and altered thyroid hormones. The chemicals enter the human body largely through drinking water.
More:'Forever chemicals' linked to high blood pressure in women, new study shows
The compounds have been found in a number of Wisconsin communities over the last several years, including Marinette, Peshtigo, Wausau, Eau Claire, Milwaukee, Madison, the Town of Campbell and Mosinee.
In Wisconsin, recently approved standards will set limits of 70 parts per trillion of PFOA and PFOS in drinking water, while federal health limits released by the Environmental Protection Agency in June suggested that essentially no levels of PFAS are safe for humans to consume, especially pregnant women and small children.
Evers said the state's current standards are far too high, especially given the new federal recommendations. He also said the Republican-led Legislature needs to start addressing PFAS when it is back in session next year.
"I'm hopeful that (Republicans) understand as a result of this lawsuit, how significant it is, and that they're willing to take a serious look at that and provide the resources necessary to start to remediate and to actually help the people of French Island get to a different place," he said.
Some Republicans have said they plan to take action next year when the Legislature returns to Madison.
Sen. Eric Wimberger, R-Green Bay, is planning to introduce a series of bills, including one to establish a landfill in Wisconsin specifically capable of handling waste with PFAS in it — namely the biosolids that come from wastewater treatment plants in communities with large PFAS contaminations, like Marinette.
But even actions like that could fall short of helping communities that have been forced to confront large contaminations.
Lee Donahue, a resident of the Town of Campbell and a member of the town board, said she has been disappointed in the way Wisconsin's regulators and legislators have seemingly turned a blind eye to PFAS, and specifically to those who have the compounds in private wells.
"It is beyond me how any legislator who's ever had a family can say 'I'm not concerned about the health of others. I'm not concerned about young children dying of cancer of young children being diagnosed with rare forms of cancer.' These are things that should not happen if we have the ability to change them. And we do have that ability," she said.
"Our Legislature has the ability to make decisions that will increase the health and safety of our residents in Campbell and Peshtigo and Rhinelander and the list goes on and on and on. And the longer that they fail to do so, I don't know how you sleep at night."
Natalie Eilbert of the Green Bay Press Gazette contributed from Green Bay.
Laura Schulte can be reached at and on Twitter at @SchulteLaura.