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2022-06-18 23:46:58 By : Mr. Aaron Liu

Diamond Roll Up Doors has introduced the EZ35 aluminum shutter door, that comes pre-hung in its frame as one complete unit, reducing complexity and minimizing installation time.

The EZ35 has a squared frame that is built to customer specifications, the door comes assembled and is fully functional once unpacked.

The shutter door is factory installed within its welded frame and its spring counterbalance pre-tensioned prior to shipping. The doors can match virtually any size opening and an exterior flange helps installers achieve a perfect exterior finish. Frames and flanges can be ordered to match body colors and trim styles.

The EZ35’s aluminum slats are held together with an engineered aluminum ball and socket design and use an integrated weather seal that resists moisture intrusion. The design allows the door’s interchangeable slats to be removed and repositioned or replaced if damaged.

An EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) rubber seal lines the perimeter of the door, and once the EZ35 is opened, it will remain in its fixed position until manually closed. The design promotes safety and prevents the free-falling tendency associated with some roll-up doors.

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