The Salmon Arm Fire Department’s new Tower 3 fire truck with its 104-foot ladder could be seen outside Hall 3 in downtown Salmon Arm Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 20, lights flashing, with the ladder moving up and down repeatedly. Fire Chief Brad Shirley assures it was just undergoing maintenance from the factory that built it. It’s in good shape, nothing alarming, no fire at Hall 3, he smiled. (Martha Wickett-Salmon Arm Observer)
Fire Chief Brad Shirley assures Tower 3 ladder’s repeated extensions were factory maintenance
Salmon Arm Fire Department’s new Tower 3 fire truck with its 104-foot ladder could be seen outside Hall 3 in downtown Salmon Arm Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 20, lights flashing, with the ladder moving up and down repeatedly. Fire Chief Brad Shirley assures it was just undergoing maintenance from the factory that built it. It’s in good shape, nothing alarming, no fire at Hall 3, he smiled. (Martha Wickett-Salmon Arm Observer)
Read more: VIDEO: Salmon Arm firefighters hone skills, race other halls, do ‘incredible job’
Read more: Salmon Arm Fire Department to double its reach with new $1.5 million ladder truck Like us on Facebook follow us on Twitter
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