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  • 8 Coolest Isuzu Cars Everyone's Forgotten About

    by admin on 2022-07-23 03:18:22

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    Low budget and failure to innovate meant Isuzu wasn't as successful as its Japanese counterparts. Regardless, the small automaker made some cool cars.

    Very few people remember or even talk about Isuzu vehicles these days. Although,

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  • New Oshkosh Striker to be Featured at China Fire 2021

    by admin on 2022-07-23 03:18:13

    Oshkosh Fire & Emergency Segment is displaying the new Oshkosh® Striker® ARFF vehicle at China Fire 2021. APPLETON, Wis. (October 11, 2021) – Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE:OSK) Fire & Emergency segment is displaying the new Oshkosh® Striker® ARFF vehicle at China Fire 2021. The n

  • New Oshkosh Striker to be Featured at China Fire 2021

    by admin on 2022-07-23 03:18:12

    Oshkosh Fire & Emergency Segment is displaying the new Oshkosh® Striker® ARFF vehicle at China Fire 2021. APPLETON, Wis. (October 11, 2021) – Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE:OSK) Fire & Emergency segment is displaying the new Oshkosh® Striker® ARFF vehicle at China Fire 2021. The n

  • New research around sprinkler systems designed to help industry fight slow growing fires

    by admin on 2022-07-23 03:18:04

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  • Some fire trucks still carry toxic PFAS foam | Connecticut & Region | journalinquirer.com

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  • Malavika’s Mumbaistan: Hope and Heartbreak | Mumbai news - Hindustan Times

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    For a long time, I have wondered why the word ‘schadenfreude’, borrowed from German, meaning to experience joy obtained from the troubles of others, does not have an English translation. The more recent equivalent: ‘trolling’ doesn’t quite cut i

  • Morning mail: Pacific islands may pull troubled Australian boats, Ukraine retakes Snake Island, carbon credit review | | The Guardian

    by admin on 2022-07-23 03:17:49

    Friday: Serious defects have been found in patrol boats provided as part of $2.1bn Pacific security deal. Plus: the top things to do to escape winter blues

    G ood morning. Anthony Albanese is in France to reset a strained bilateral relationship. Federal and state health ministers will me