PENAJAM- PT Waru Kaltim Plantation (WKP) provides training and education on the prevention and management of land and garden fires (karlabun), in Bangun Mulya Village and Waru Village.In addition to prevention socialization, the management of the Fire Care Farmers Group (KTPA) was also educated about the use of fire fighting equipment.The training was held at Waru Village Hall, Thursday (21/7/2022).Also attending the event were representatives of the Waru Police and Koramil with the target of training two KTPAs, namely the KTPA of Bangun Mulya Village and the KTPA of Waru Village, the formation of which was initiated by PT Waru Kaltim Plantation.“This is a follow-up to previous activities.The establishment of KTPA and active preparedness in the face of the dry season," said Waru Zulfahmi Village Head.Socialization and training on the management of forest and land fires are considered very important as an effort to prevent forest and land fires, especially around plantations and the company's work area."So when a fire occurs, the KTPA administrators are no longer confused in handling it," said Village Head Bangun Mulya Soedono.In this activity, the Fire Management Team went directly to provide training, both in theory and practice in the field.Meanwhile, PT WKP also provided training equipment from the company's fire station.Management of PT WKP KTU Ismail Kadir Ritonga hopes that the company and the community in Ring 1 of the company can synergize with each other in protecting the environment.Especially about the concern for the dangers of karlabun.“Hopefully KTPA members can raise awareness about the dangers of land and garden fires.Then they have the ability to control and prevent, in the event of a fire," he said.He reminded that the problem of karlabun is not solely the responsibility of the government, or the company alone.But it is the responsibility of all parties, including the awareness of both the company and the community, so that there is no forest and land fires that cause smog," said Ismail Kadir.On this occasion, he appealed to all levels of society to work hand in hand in preventing and tackling karlabun.“But most importantly and foremost, those in the KTPA have concern.That also needs to be grown, so that they can infect the surrounding community,” said Ismail.Meanwhile, Zakaria, as CSR of PT WKP, said that this activity is a form of CSR activities in the environmental field.By increasing the competence of all KTPA members, it is hoped that groups in each village can become the front line in preventing and overcoming karlabun.“The danger from the karlabun fire is very real.With this activity, they will have the ability for prevention and control,” he said.Not only providing training, PT WKP also provided facilities and infrastructure for the two KTPAs.The tool is a provision for the group in dealing with karlabun events in the future.Seto Adi Wibowo as PIC Fire Protection of PT WKP said that several tools including exit hoses, crown nozzles, machino couplings and boat shoes were given to each group."The aid of this tool is a weapon of war for KTPA members when they go to the field," he concluded.(adv/sbk), Verified that the Press Council is under the umbrella of PT MEDIA KALTIM PROMOSINDO, based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number AHU-0033303.AH.01.01 of 2020. Is a Press Company, Publishing Newspapers, Journals, Magazines, Bulletins, and Other Publications.Status : Administrative & Factual Verified Press Council© PT MEDIA KALTIM PROMOSINDO