The above is a view of the "Island Works,” at Seneca Falls, N. Y., owned and run by The Silsby Manufacturing Company, and devoted to the manufacture of Steam Fire Engines, Heaters, Hose Carriages, Carts and Reels, and Fire Department supplies generally; also, of the Holly Patent Rotary Pumps, for fire and ordinary pumping purposes. These works were established in 1845, byMr. H. C. Silsby, and, having been enlarged by the erection of additional buildings from time to time to accommodate the increasing and varied branches of the special work to which they are devoted, now occupy the whole island on which they are built, and cover an area of about four acres. The main building is three hundred and forty-three feet in length, and from thirty-three to forty-one feet in breadth. In the rear, and branching from the main building, are the other shops, coveting an area three times that of the main building—the whole being built of brick and covered with tin and slate
roofs, and comprising machine. blacksmiths, boiler, iron and brass moulding, carpenters, pattern and paint shops, foundry, nickel-plating, polishing and [finishing rooms. Built over the raceway is a large two-story machine and blacksmith shop, 70 x 60 feet, which, with offices, coal and lumber sheds, storerooms, etc. etc., form the “ Island Works.”
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