Nathan Kane, 23, led police on a chase after stealing a Syracuse Fire Department pickup truck early morning on Friday, July 22, deputies said. (Courtesy of the Onondaga County Sheriff's Office.)
Update: Stolen Syracuse fire pickup tracked down with GPS; equipment a ‘total loss,’ officials say
Syracuse, N.Y. — A Syracuse man hopped into a city fire department pickup truck and led police on a chase on the New York State Thruway early Friday morning, deputies said.
Nathan Kane, 23, of Syracuse, sped off in the Syracuse fire department pickup at about 1 a.m. from the 100 block of North Edwards Avenue in the city’s Eastwood neighborhood, said Sgt. Jon Seeber, spokesman for the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office.
Kane drove onto the Thruway and was seen driving west near Exit 36, which is the Interstate 81 exit, Seeber said. Kane took that exit, but then he drove back onto the Thruway, headed east in the westbound lanes, according to deputies.
Kane then drove across the median, headed east in the eastbound lanes, Seeber said. Kane’s location was being tracked by 911 dispatchers and and a police helicopter shining a light on the truck, the deputy said.
Using spike strips, deputies deflated the truck’s tires, Seeber said. Kane continued driving east in the damaged truck until he reached the town of Sullivan in Madison County, where the truck hit a median and rolled over several times, deputies said.
Kane was taken to St. Joseph’s Health Hospital for minor injuries, Seeber said.
Kane was charged with fourth-degree grand larceny, fourth-degree possession of stolen property, fleeing from police in a vehicle and unauthorized use of a vehicle, Seeber said.
Deputies also issued traffic tickets that included reckless operation and unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle.
More charges for Kane are pending, Seeber said.
Staff writer Fernando Alba covers breaking news, crime and public safety. Have a tip, story idea, question or comment? Reach him at 315-690-6950, at, or on Twitter at @byfernandoalba.
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