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The Journal of Antibiotics (2022 )Cite this article
Biosurfactants have been widely used in various industrial fields including medicine, food, cosmetics, detergent, pulp and paper, and oil and fat degradation. The culture broth of Aureobasidium pullulans A11211-4-57 using glucose as carbon source exhibited potent surfactant activity. The culture broth was separated by column chromatographies using ODS, silica gel, and Sephadex LH-20 resins, consecutively, to provide two biosurfactants. Based on mass and NMR measurements, their structures were determined as myo-inositol lipids and named pullusurfactans F and G. These compounds showed a high degree of activity, with 27.25 mN/m and 24.07 mN/m, respectively, at 1.0 mg l−1, which is useful for washing and cleaning agents.
Surfactants, structurally, have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties that can accumulate at interfaces, reduce surface and interfacial tensions, and form aggregate structures such as micelles, which consist of external hydrophilic moieties and internal hydrophobic moieties [1,2,3,4,5,6]. Many synthetic surfactants have been used in diverse industrial fields, and there is an increasing concern on the environmental impacts of chemical surfactants [6]. Meanwhile, a biosurfactant is produced intracellularly or extracellularly by fungi, yeast, and bacteria and is known to be a low toxic and eco-friendly substance compared to synthetic surfactants [1‒6]. Biosurfactants represent the same chemical or physical properties as conventional synthetic surfactants in surface tension reduction, pH, and temperature stability. Although biosurfactants are extremely difficult to synthesize due to their complex chemical structures, these compounds are required for development of biomedicals, eco-friendly cosmetics, detergent, pulp and paper, and health functional foods [4, 5].
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The authors thank Ms. Ji-Young Oh, Center for University-wide Research Facilities (CURF) at Jeonbuk National University, for performing NMR measurements.
These authors contributed equally: Jong-Shik Kim, Dae-Won Ki
Marine Industry Research Institute for East Sea Rim, Uljin, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea
Division of Biotechnology and Advanced Institute of Environment and Bioscience, College of Environmental and Bioresource Sciences, Jeonbuk National University, Iksan-si, Korea
Dae-Won Ki, In-Kyoung Lee & Bong-Sik Yun
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Correspondence to Jong-Shik Kim or Bong-Sik Yun.
The authors declare no competing interests.
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Kim, JS., Ki, DW., Lee, IK. et al. Two Novel Biosurfactants Produced by Aureobasidium pullulans A11211-4-57 from a Fleabane, Erigeron annus (L.) pers. J Antibiot (2022).
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The Journal of Antibiotics (J Antibiot) ISSN 1881-1469 (online) ISSN 0021-8820 (print)