Washington Fire Department reports - The Record Herald

2022-08-08 08:40:10 By : Ms. Shirley Hu

The following fire reports were released by the Washington Fire Department (WFD):

FD received call of a carbon-monoxide detector activation. FD inspected CO detector and found it was signaling end of life. FD advised occupant to replace detector. FD checked residence for CO and gas and did not detect any problems.

FD received station tone that a child had fallen into the creek at Eyman Park in the area of the softball fields. Upon arrival to Eyman Park, FD was notified by dispatch that the incident was located in the area of the Eagles baseball field on Sycamore St. FD units responded to the area and assisted PD and EMS searching for the child. PD units located and removed the child from the water in the area of Chrisman Park. FD assisted on the shore to transport the child to the squad.

FD received station tone for vehicle fire in driveway beside residence. Upon arrival, smoke was coming from front of vehicle. FD opened the hood to access fire in engine compartment. FD also extinguished a small fire in the driver compartment area. No damage noted on adjacent structure or vehicle.

Received station stone for a fire alarm activation. Walked through building, unable to locate any issues. Checked riser room for any discrepancies, none found. Cleared system alarm, system returned back to normal operation.

FD received tone for activated fire alarm, duct detector #9. Upon arrival, building was in the process of evacuation, and no smoke or fire was visible. FD searched building and was unable to locate any issues. FD checked roof top HVAC units, nothing abnormal found. Building director contacted FD and advised HVAC systems were recently cleaned and advised they have had issues in the past with dust in the detectors after this process. FD reset fire alarm which returned to normal condition.

FD dispatched with EMS for person stuck on roof unable to get down. FD set up ground ladder to access patient on roof at rear of residence. FD members checked on the patient’s status and assisted patient to the ladder. FD provided assistance to help the patient down the ladder. After reaching the bottom, patient care was transferred to Fayette Co. EMS.

Received call from occupant reporting an exterior gas line leaking, requesting it to be checked. FD found significant underground gas utility work being performed in the area with new service mains protruding from the ground at the time of arrival. FD noted an audible hiss, the odor of natural gas, and found a damaged coupling on the service main during its’ investigation. FD made contact with the installation supervisor who immediately dispatched a repair crew. FD turned control of the scene over to the supervisor and repair crew.

Received station tone from the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office reporting a two-vehicle accident. FD found both vehicles upright, on all four wheels, and both facing north in the intersection, with no visible smoke or fire at the time of arrival. FD established a safe working area, confirmed there was no entrapment and provided BLS care until transferring patient care to members from Jefferson TWP EMS. FD checked both vehicles for safety and assisted with traffic control and debris clean-up.

Received call from occupant requesting the residence to be checked for carbon-monoxide and/or a gas leak. FD investigation did not detect any gas leaks(s) nor did it detect and carbon-monoxide within the residence. FD did detect sewer gas coming from multiple drains. FD advised to flush all drains with water. FD checked the operation of both smoke detectors and found the batteries were dead along with the power shut-off to them. FD advised of changing the batteries in the smoke detectors and turning the power back on to them. FD also recommended installing a new carbon-monoxide detector.

Received station tone from the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office reporting a fire alarm activation, waterflow motion – zone 387. FD did not note any smoke or fire and was advised via radio at the time of arrival, to disregard. FD made contact with maintenance personnel who advised there was no problem, they are performing a quarterly PM on the system. Maintenance personnel will contact the monitoring company to ensure the system is in test-mode for the duration of maintenance.

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