News and opinion about wildland fire
The police reported that fireworks is the most likely cause, but it is under investigation
Updated at 5:03 p.m. MDT July 4, 2022
The Deuel Creek Fire in the foothills east of Centerville, Utah was mapped Monday at 128 acres. Firefighting resources assigned include multiple helicopters and 7 engines for a total of 80 personnel; an additional 3 hand crews are en route.
Monday afternoon the fire was less active than it was during the night, but still has potential for growth with the strong winds and low humidity. The fire is between Deuel Creek and Parrish Creek.
A fire that was reported around midnight Sunday night resulted in the evacuation of about 89 homes on the east side of Centerville, Utah. It started near Center Street and Firebreak Road north of Bountiful. The evacuations were later lifted.
Fire authorities estimate it has burned approximately 100 acres, mostly on a steep slope 10 miles north of Salt Lake City.
“All indications are that this fire was human caused, the most likely source being fireworks,” wrote the Centerville Police Department on Twitter at 5:50 a.m. Monday. “We will be working with fire investigators to determine the cause.”
Much of Western Utah, including the greater Salt Lake City Area, has been under a Red Flag Warning Sunday and Monday for single-digit humidity and strong winds.
A Type 3 Incident Management Team will assume command of the fire Monday morning.
Regarding the tweet below, Spencer J. Cox is the governor of Utah.
This barbecue in Centerville might be a fun one to show up to, since nothing was done about fireworks in the state in the middle of a drought.
— Kip Hackman (@ndy_Dwyer) July 4, 2022
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After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire. View all posts by Bill Gabbert
Idiotic that these massive fireworks tents are allowed to exist in States where fireworks are illegal to ignite. 🙄
I hope the state and residents sue the owners of these stands into oblivion.
Isn’t that a bit like suing gun shops for selling a firearm that was involved in a murder. Kind of a slippery slope but it does have it’s basic merits. Maybe coupled with public education and awareness programs, individual permits to purchasers of fireworks, and classes on the proper and safe use and storage of dangerous materials and items that may cause mass destruction and death, and insurance covering any and all liabilities… kind of in the spirit of conceal carry laws. How about this one… If your idiot children cause harm and /or destruction or death by the improper use or misuse of this product that they can not legally possess and/or ignite, sell, use, trade, chop up and use for flavored illegally sold popsicles, etc. YOU WILL BE HELD FULLY RESPONSIBLE…signed…purchaser. We have to be responsible-as do those who refuse to be -and accept the consequences of our misjudgments, malfeasance, and malfeasance, where it can be proven- in a fair (of course “fair” being the massive caveat) court of law. Consider what price would be demanded if a neglectful Fring Boss, Rx burner, all the way to the top, neglect a legit test fire that quickly spots and the fuel moistures are at a non-typical or unusually low point, or maybe by relying on forecasts that have been dubious, and so on. These laws are on the books regarding purchasers and users. I’m just not convinced that holding the supplier, seller, powder manufacturer, ink canister replacer… where would it stop? Just my thoughts on this extremely complex issue. Thanks for inspiring some free thinking conversation on this Independence Day. Thank You Sir.
The largest fire in New Jersey history was started by the US military during live-fire training. The US has LOTS of stupid people using Big and Small fireworks.
Not sure what a “Fring” boss is but thumb seems to. This should be ” Firing Boss”. Thanks
Some states, counties, cities, towns ban fireworks during an extremely dry season/period. But then, there will be those that ignore that, through lack of info, or just flat out, “we’ll do what we wanna do.”
Do government- or corporate-sponsored fireworks ever start fires?
Yes. It is not uncommon.
I saw this fire from the freeway near it’s beginning and there were lots of fire trucks when us was only a few acres. Seems like it could have been easily been put out but wasn’t. Just wish that the fire dept would be honest about that.
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